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PHOTOGRAPHER:Dr. Roy Winkelman |
For full conference program, see below and link:
Wood in the 21st Century: Design & Preservation of Contemporary & Historic Architecture
Saturday, March 24 – Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sponsored by - Technology & Conservation
- MIT Department of Architecture's Building Technology Program
- Boston Society of Architects/AIA's Historic Resources CommitteeThis important symposium will be held on the MIT campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Continuing education credits will be available (approx. 16 units for the March 24-25 program and 6 additional units for the optional program on March 26). Below are details on the topics to be covered, the speakers, a call for posters, hotel information, and the conference registration form...We hope that you will be joining us for this informative and stimulating conference.CONFERENCE SCHEDULE:
SATURDAY, March 24, 2012
7:30-8:15 am Check-in
8:15-8:25 Welcome, Susan E. Schur, Hon. AIA, FAPT, Publisher-Editor, Technology & Conservation, and Prof. John Ochsendorf, MIT Department of Architecture
8:25-9:15 Perspectives - Historical-Styles, etc., Giles Downes, RIBA, Partner, SidellGibson Architects; Chairman of the Judges for The Wood Awards; Sr. Warden, Carpenters’ Company; and Governor, The Building Crafts College
9:15-10:00 Perspectives – Conservation/Restoration/Repair, Dr. David T. Yeomans, ACS Consulting Structural Engineers; and Visiting Lecturer, Bournemouth University, & Chair, ICOMOS UK Wood Committee
10:00-10:15 Lessons Learned from Historic Construction, Matthew B. Bronski, PE, Senior Project Manager, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
10:15-10:30 Coffee Break + Posters
Developments in Technology & Materials – Properties, Structure, & Attachment
10:30-11:00 Uses of Wood in the 21st Century (types of wood, forest management, grading, economic concerns, etc.), Dr. Scott Bowe, Professor & Wood Products Specialist, Russell Labs, University of Wisconsin - Madison
11:00-11:25 Mechanical & Structural Properties - including fire safety, Dr. Ben Brungraber, PE, President, Fire Tower Engineered Timber, Inc.
11:25-11:50 Moisture & Chemical Properties, Dr. Samuel V. Glass, Research Physical Scientist, Building Moisture & Durability, USDA Forest Products Laboratory
11:50-12:20 Biodegradation and Treatment, Dr. Brian R. Ridout, Entomologist & Senior Architectural Conservator, English Heritage 12:20-12:30 Q&A
12:30-2:10 Luncheon - MIT Faculty Club
2:10-2:25 Investigative Tools I - Resistance Drilling, IR, Ultrasonic, John Wathne, PE, President, Structures-North
2:25-2:40 Investigative Tools II - Microscopic ID, Philip L. Westover, PE, Staff Consultant, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
2:40-2:55 Investigative Tools III - Dendrochronology, Dr. Daniel Miles, FSA, Oxford Dendrochronology Laboratory
2:55-3:10 Investigative Tools IV - - Wind & Seismic Properties, Prof. John W. van de Lindt, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, The University of Alabama
3:10-3:25 Coffee Break + Posters
Conservation/Preservation of Buildings/Building Types Constructed from Early Times Up Through the 20th Century
3:25-3:55 Athletic Facilities, Paul Fast, PE, PIStructE, Managing Partner, Fast + Epp
3:55-4:15 Military & Cultural Buildings - Fort Adams, Fogg Art Museum, Kimball Art Museum, and others, Ronald W. Anthony, Wood Scientist, Anthony & Associates, Inc.
4:15-4:30 Wood in Traditional Japanese Architecture, Prof. Alice Y. Tseng, Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Deaprment of History of Art & Architecture, Boston University
4:30-4:45 Gamble House, Kelly Sutherlin McLeod, Kelly Sutherlin McLeod Architecture, Inc.
4:45-5:00 Housing (including Stickley’s Craftsmen Farms) & Mill Buildings, Ronald W. Anthony, Wood Scientist, Anthony & Associates, Inc.
5:00-5:15 The Wooden Tomb Chamber in Tumulus MM at Gordion in Turkey, Prof. Richard F. Liebhart, Archeologist
5:15-5:20 Archeological Wood, William C.S. Remsen, AIA, Preservation Architect
5:20-5:35 Historic Wooden Religious Structures, Nat Crosby, Bruner/Cott & Associates
5:35-6:05 Two Viewpoints - Building Framer and Sawyer, Jan Lewandoski, Principal, Restoration and Traditional Building; Other Speaker - TBA
6:05-6:20 Covered Wood Bridges, Arnold M. Graton Jr., Arnold M. Graton Co.
6:20-6:30 Q&A
6:30-8:00 Reception - The Cambridge Marriott Hotel
SUNDAY. March 25, 2012
7:30-8:00 am Relevant Film
New Technologies, New Methods of Retaining/Achieving Architectural Concepts
8:00-8:30 am Philosophical/Aesthetic Aspects (including wood in combination with other materials), David N.Fixler, FAIA, LEED AP, Principal, Design and Preservation, EYP Architecture & Engineering Inc.
8:30-9:15 Developments – Computer Modeling, Wood-Concrete Composites, Dr. Peggi Clouston, Assoc. Professor, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Dept. of Environmental Conservation
9:15-10:00 Energy and Sustainability Aspects of Wood (including certification), Jack Mackin, Chief Operating Officer, F.D. Sterritt Lumber Co.
10:00-10:10 Q&A
10:10-10:25 Coffee Break + Posters
10:25-10:55 Finishes and Coatings - Factory and On Site, Jon Graystone, Principal Research Scientist, Paint Research Association
Bringing Wood into 21st Century Architectural Design & Ornamentation
10:55-11:50 Arches, Grids, and Shells for 21st Century Architecture, Michael Dickson, FREng, FIStructE, Founding Partner/Senior Consultant, Buro Happold; and Visiting Professor, Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, University of Bath, UK
11:50-12:05 Q&A
12:05-2:00 Luncheon - MIT Faculty Club
2:00-2:30 Improved Wood Composites, Prof. Stephen Shaler, Associate Director, Advanced Engineered Wood Composites Center, and Program Coordinator, Wood Science & Technology, University of Maine
2:30-2:50 Religious Buildings including Bigelow Chapel (MN) and Lakewood Garden Mausoleum, Joan Soranno, FAIA, Design Principal/Vice-President, HGA
2:50-3:35 Cross Laminated Timber and Other Engineered Wood Structures, Simon Smith, Director, Ramboll UK; Design Teaching Fellow, Cambridge University; and Director, TRADA UK
3:35-3:50 Coffee Break + Posters
3:50-4:15 Cultural Facility, Shane Burger, Associate/Head of Design Technology USA, Grimshaw Architects PC
4:15-4:50 Implications of Recent Research, TBA
4:50-5:10 How will New Materials and New Manufacturing Techniques Affect/Impact Design and Conservation Work, John A. Fidler, RIBA, Staff Consultant & Practice Leader, Preservation Technology, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc.
5:10-5:30 Q&A
MONDAY, March 26, 2012– Optional program
Focus on maritime use of wood and introducing new systems into existing historic building. Individuals registering for the conference will be able to attend, at no additional cost, the optional program.HOTEL: For those who require a hotel room, a block of rooms (single and double) have been reserved at the Cambridge Marriott Hotel at the special rate of $159 (plus tax) per night - group booking code for website bookings is: tnctnca. The direct link is: http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/boscb?groupCode=tnctnca&app=resvlink&fromDate=3/23/12&toDate=3/27/12. For booking through Central Reservations at 1-888-236-2427, the booking code is TNCC.CALL FOR POSTERS: Poster presentations on a project or research involving wood performance, detailing, specification, use, care, or repair as well as innovative wood structural design are welcomed. A poster presentation is one 30” x 40” board or two 20” x 30” boards showing project and/or research information relevant to the conference subject matter – exteriors of contemporary and/or historic/traditional wood buildings, buildings incorporating wood as a major element of their design, and other wood structures such as covered bridges and grave markers. An area will be set aside during the conference for the display of posters and discussion. Poster proposals should be submitted, by e-mail, by January 2, 2012 to: ses_tec_con@msn.com.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGISTRATION FORM
Design and Preservation of Contemporary & Historic Architecture
Saturday, March 24–Sunday, March 25, 2012Early Rate: Prior to Jan. 30, 2012 Rate after Jan. 30, 2012$450/person $525/person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ____________
Basic fee covers:
• the 8:00am–6:00pm conference program – Sat., March 24 & Sun., March 25, 2012
• the March 24 and March 25 luncheons, and
• the Saturday evening, March 24, reception
Please indicate any special accessibility or dietary needs:
_____ vegetarian meals ___________________________________other needs
Guest tickets for the March 24 reception can be purchased @ $50/ticket . . . . . . . $ ____________
Optional Maritime Wood Program, March 26– no charge for persons registered for the conference
__ I would like to attend the maritime wood program _____________________
TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ ____________
Check for $ __________ U. S. funds (drawn on a U. S. A. bank) for registration fee (and for any guest tickets for the Sat., March 24, reception) is enclosed. Check should be made payable to: The Technology Organization, Inc.
Please register me (us) for the conference:
Name(s)________________________________________________________________________________________________________Title____________________________________________________________________________________________________Organization_____________________________________________________________________________________________Address_________________________________________________________________________________________________City, State, Zip (Postal Code__________________________________________________________________________________________
Tel:______________________________ Fax: _____________________________e-mail:_____________________
Each person listed on the registration must sign the following statement:
I(we) understand and agree that the participation of Technology & Conservation, The Technology Organization, Inc., conference organizers, and cooperating organizations and individuals in the 2012 “Wood in the 21st Century” conference is limited to providing educational background and guidance; that all transportation, accommodations, tour, and other arrangements in connection with this Conference are under the exclusive control of others and that Technology & Conservation, The Technology Organization, Inc., conference organizers, and cooperating organizations and individuals have no liability or responsibility whatsoever for the death of any person or for any loss, expense, delay, injury, or other damage to any person or property (however occurring) on, during, and/or in relation to this “Wood in the 21st Century” conference and the information furnished.
Signature(s) _____________________________________________________________________________
Date ____________________________________________Return this form, with check (made payable to The Technology Organization, Inc.), to:
Technology & Conservation, 76 Highland Avenue, Somerville, MA 02143
Refund policy: Prior to January 15, 2012 – 100% of the registration fee less $50 service charge; January 15-February 20, 2012 – 50% of registration fee; after February 20, 2012 – no refund.
EM-1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you have any questions on the conference, please contact:
Susan E. Schur, Hon. AIA, FAPT
Conference Organizer/Chair
Tel: 1-617-623-4488; Fax: 1-617-623-2253; e-mail: ses_tec_con@msn.com
MIT Campus
Cambridge, MA
Cambridge, MA