Friday, November 4, 2011

Tour Note: Gov. Wentworth's "small hut" In Portsmouth, NH

The striking interiors of Governor Wentworth's 1763 "small hut" were available for lengthy perusal on October 29th, 2011, thanks to Tom Hardiman, Keeper, Portsmouth Athenaeum, and the generous and gracious staff of the Mark Wentworth Home on Pleasant Street in Portsmouth, NH. The Wentworth Home underwent a thoughtful and extensive renovation in 2006. Below find some of the striking results.

The interior views are courtesy of the Mark Wentworth Home and illustrate a number of key Georgian-era design characteristics.  However, what the images can not convey are the elements of generous space and balance throughout. The lofty 10+ foot ceilings, wide, commodious stair landings with the treads and risers offering a gentle ascent or descent, substantial natural light, and well crafted and highly detailed woodwork, combine to create a cohesive synthesis of proportion and elegance.

To the contemporary eye, one might well wonder why the Governor considered this substantial and expensive residence a mere "hut" - but not surprisingly, he had much more extensive holdings in Britain.

Exterior view, with fine corner quions and pedimented dormers

Interior view with deeply carved, architectural surround.
Note crimson wallpaper.

2nd floor deeply carved and highly articulated column, architrave and cornice

For further information, see previous blog and
the Portsmouth Athenaeum.

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